Sunday, October 3, 2010

Butterfly Poem

This turned out to be one of my favorite poems. This is an example of a "theme poem". The information given-it's a fall wedding, their wedding song "A walk through the woods" played by a trumpet. They dated on and off until she asked him!

Come, Walk through the Woods
and hear the trumpet call
of a swan lazily swimming
on the chilled waters of Fall,
in a meadow where dances
a mate and butterfly
upon the wind's softly whispered-
"Love cannot be denied"

For once they met upon the field
and passed each other by
for she still wished to grow
and needed some more time;
but he saw something special
in her countenance and face
and she could not forget
his beauty and his grace.

Not long ago she entered
her sheltering cocoon,
growing more beautiful each day,
until she emerged anew.
From there she sought her love
upon wings, strong and wide
and, finding him in the field waiting,
dared ask to be his bride.

He, in joy, did answer
Yes! and now they fly
journeying ever onward
together, side-by-side.
Their colors shame the flowers,
their hearts beat as one;
Come, come Walk through the Woods
to see them dancing in the sun.

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