Wiggle Room-Wiggles Press Blog
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Round and Round we Go on the Carousel
I absolutely love carousels. I always wanted a horse while growing up and riding the painted ponies at the fair led to wonderfully imagined adventures. And what greater adventure than starting a new life as a married couple??? That's why I love the idea of a wedding themed around a carousel-there's music, fun, ups and downs and the ultimate prize-the brass ring (ok, it's golden and it's a wedding band, even better!)
There are several venues around the country that offer carousels-locally, on Cape Cod, there's the Sandwich Heritage Museum and Gardens. The carousel is a true antique, at 100 years old, but the oldest running carousel is here on Martha's Vineyard!
This carousel Photo credit-Jennifer Mayo; Jennifer Mayo Studios
at Shadowland at Silver Beach, St, Joseph, MI makes a beautiful backdrop for a wedding.Photo credit-Jennifer Mayo; Jennifer Mayo Studios
Your guests will love these carnival-themed invitations
by Jolie Paperterie
and a whole line of carnival-themed accessories
including, menus, placecards, table cards, and favor accessories will delightfully round out your carousel theme!
As for the cake, there are so many ways that this theme could be represented, but for some inspiration- a carousel cake, too pretty to eat!; a ticket cake; and for something truly beautiful to top it off-a sculptured glass wedding cake topper!
Life can be a merry-go-round,
full of all those ups and downs,
but it's also a wonderful ride,
especially the day you become a bride.
The groom, is riding right along
while the band plays the wedding song.
The day is a blur, it goes by so fast,
Oh, but Love, Love is made to last!
M. Lancaster
Photo credit-Jennifer Mayo; Jennifer Mayo Studios
Monday, January 24, 2011
Let's mix it up some!
Thanks to Scott Rogers, of Personalized Wine Gift Boxes who told me about Wordle. Wordle is a fun, creative way to display words.
Here's a sample of a pre-written wedding poem customized with wedding colors.
The original
Now customized in black, silver/gray, and purple- a recent bride's colors
Take a look at how your poem can be delightfully transfomed.
With many styles of layout, font and color choices there's almost no limit as to how your poem can take on a whole new visual form. Wordle allows poetry, fun and creativity to mix in a whole new way!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Wiggles Press in the News!
Just one of the books by Wiggles Press soon to be available on Storychimes.
As some of you may know, besides writing custom poetry, I also write children's books. Rochelle O'Neal Thorpe is my publisher through Wiggles Press;Cambridge,MA. In a recent press release, Wiggles Press announced that Storychimes will soon be making their books available at your fingertips. This is a fantastic endeavor and I look forward to not only my favorite characters-Tyler and Skyler the spider;Jackson and his mom;and a grandson and grandmother being available to children everywhere but to all the other wonderful characters at Wiggles Press as well!
As some of you may know, besides writing custom poetry, I also write children's books. Rochelle O'Neal Thorpe is my publisher through Wiggles Press;Cambridge,MA. In a recent press release, Wiggles Press announced that Storychimes will soon be making their books available at your fingertips. This is a fantastic endeavor and I look forward to not only my favorite characters-Tyler and Skyler the spider;Jackson and his mom;and a grandson and grandmother being available to children everywhere but to all the other wonderful characters at Wiggles Press as well!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
JFK Inaugural Address-50 Years Gone By
For myself, I was not yet born when President Kennedy took office, and only a baby when he died, but I can recall knowing who he was all my life and I remember meeting Robert Kennedy when I was barely 5 years old. This family's contribution to our Nation will long be researched and debated, past even my time on earth, but I have always believed that we owe them a great debt. President Kennedy's words are as relevant today as they were all those years ago.
I was given the great honor of writing a poem for the Hyannis Area Chamaber of Commerce that was donated and now hangs in the JFK Hyannis Museum. It was hand-written by Rick Paulus, Former Chief White House Calligrapher.
The seashell you once held,
Which brought pleasure to your eye,
Is now but grains of sand that pass
Through our fingers, just like Time.
And the beach roses have withered
And bloomed many times,
Since you walked along the shore
To ease your weary mind.
Yet, the wind and waves still echo
With memories your heart did hold,
Those that called to a father, a brother, a son-
Come home, come home, come home.
Now, Caroline’s children have played
And frolicked in that sand,
And picked seashells they have found,
To hold like treasures in their hands.
And your footsteps that the waves
Have washed far out to sea
Will mingle with countless others
That have not yet come to be.
Yet, the wind and waves still echo
With memories our hearts all hold,
Those that call to a father, a brother, a son-
Come home, come home, come home.
Melinda Lancaster
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
My very own unique MeNeek!
I just received my very own hand-painted coffee mug from MeNeek Treasures !
Merry McCallum did such a beautiful job, even doing a design on the handle!
Of course the very first thing I looked for was her signature ladybug. She made me promise to use it, as I wasn't sure I should- it's so beautiful. She tells me many of her clients feel the same way! When she asked me what I would like, I told her "blue" for my favorite color and "yellow flowers" for my grandmother Flynn. I know I'll think of my grandma every time I see it. Check out more of MeNeek mugs here! Now I'm going to go have some tea!
Merry McCallum did such a beautiful job, even doing a design on the handle!
Of course the very first thing I looked for was her signature ladybug. She made me promise to use it, as I wasn't sure I should- it's so beautiful. She tells me many of her clients feel the same way! When she asked me what I would like, I told her "blue" for my favorite color and "yellow flowers" for my grandmother Flynn. I know I'll think of my grandma every time I see it. Check out more of MeNeek mugs here! Now I'm going to go have some tea!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
XO XO otherwise know as Hugs and Kisses
Check out this website to see a new collection of invitations called "Hugs and Kisses" and enter a contest for these colorful,cute wedding invitations.
Take it Personally Blog: Wedding Package Contest!: "With Valentines Day approaching I see all the cute heart designs. Now I am not a huge fan of hearts. I try to use them..."
Take it Personally Blog: Wedding Package Contest!: "With Valentines Day approaching I see all the cute heart designs. Now I am not a huge fan of hearts. I try to use them..."
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Lester Molina Photography: Who's on your vendor list?
This is a great little poll, with some great feedback from Lester Molina Photography. One of things that's NOT mentioned in the poll is the Officiant, the only true necessity when getting married.
Lester Molina Photography: Who's on your vendor list?: " Just like the title says: 'Who's on your vendor list? Do you have the most important ones? A recent poll in a popular bridal forum, as..."
Lester Molina Photography: Who's on your vendor list?: " Just like the title says: 'Who's on your vendor list? Do you have the most important ones? A recent poll in a popular bridal forum, as..."
Monday, January 10, 2011
World's Most Expensive Dessert
Ok, let's face it, chocolate can poetic.
Add a little of this
and a little of that
and you get "Frrozen Haute Chocolate". Ok, not my best poem ever, but yum!
I saw this last night on My Fair Wedding with David Tutera
"Frrozen Haute Chocolate" can be yours for only $25,000! Yes, you read that right $25,000. It holds the world record! and is made by Serendipity3 in NYC with profits going to children's charities. Very sweet indeed!
It has 28 different cocoas including 14 of the most expensive, but the thing that really puts it over the edge is all that EDIBLE gold! not to mention a helping of La Madeline au Truffle from Knipschildt Chocolatier
However, if $25,000 is just a tad out of your range, there's always the runner up- Golden Opulence at $1000.
Add a little of this
and a little of that
and you get "Frrozen Haute Chocolate". Ok, not my best poem ever, but yum!
I saw this last night on My Fair Wedding with David Tutera
"Frrozen Haute Chocolate" can be yours for only $25,000! Yes, you read that right $25,000. It holds the world record! and is made by Serendipity3 in NYC with profits going to children's charities. Very sweet indeed!
It has 28 different cocoas including 14 of the most expensive, but the thing that really puts it over the edge is all that EDIBLE gold! not to mention a helping of La Madeline au Truffle from Knipschildt Chocolatier
However, if $25,000 is just a tad out of your range, there's always the runner up- Golden Opulence at $1000.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Win a Wedding Poem!
Some of the best poems I've written have been around themes. They're fun and rewarding, but most of all challenging! I've done themes based on flowers, rivers, butterflies, bridges and roads, hobbies and even frogs! to name a few.
I'm in the mood for a challenge! If you could pick any theme for your wedding poem, what would it be and why? Is it the tree you carved your initials on, or do you both like horses, or maybe it's the ocean and the beach, or your favorite color, a flower. Be creative!
To enter, simply leave me a comment about the theme you'd like your poem to be written around and why. Be sure to include an email address so I can notify you if you win.
Here's what the last winner had to say- about her poem
"my postage package was the poem!!!! thank u soooo much!!!!!! it is absolutely gorgeous!!!! im lookin for a frame w/o borders so I can see the corner markers!!! im putting on display @ the wedding!!!! The hubby is going to love it!!!!!" Shay C
The winner will be chosen and notified on, what else?....February 14th!
Remember, be creative!
I'm in the mood for a challenge! If you could pick any theme for your wedding poem, what would it be and why? Is it the tree you carved your initials on, or do you both like horses, or maybe it's the ocean and the beach, or your favorite color, a flower. Be creative!
To enter, simply leave me a comment about the theme you'd like your poem to be written around and why. Be sure to include an email address so I can notify you if you win.
Here's what the last winner had to say- about her poem
"my postage package was the poem!!!! thank u soooo much!!!!!! it is absolutely gorgeous!!!! im lookin for a frame w/o borders so I can see the corner markers!!! im putting on display @ the wedding!!!! The hubby is going to love it!!!!!" Shay C
The winner will be chosen and notified on, what else?....February 14th!
Remember, be creative!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Bridal Show in Mashpee

On February 5,2011 at the Willowbend Country Club in Mashpee, premier wedding professionals from all over the Cape and Islands will gather to offer brides and grooms the opportunity to meet them and see what they have to offer. There will be a fashion show, food and sweet samplings, an ask the expert panel,wedding seminars and more!
This fairly new group,The Cape and Islands Wedding Group, already has over 50 members and is growing. So, mark your calendars!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Custom Wedding Gifts- Spotlight #1-MeNeek Treasures
Searching the various wedding sites, I stumbled upon Wedding Wire (ok, I had a little push from Jolie Papeterie) and I found MeNeek! MeNeek Treasures offers hand painted crystal toasting flutes for weddings. Just look at the detail.

Right away I was taken with their stunning artwork and I just had to find out more about them.
Merry McCallum is the artist behind these beautiful crystal stemware and I asked her how she came to start doing this kind of work and what was behind the name.
"I had been painting for years and giving Christmas ornaments and other painted "pretties" to friends and family when, in 2003, I was approached by people who wanted to buy my work. Lots of people ask me how I chose 'MeNeek' in the first place. When I bought my first new car I wanted vanity plates. My 1st choices of 'unique' or u-neek were unavailable so a friend of mine told me I should get MeNeek because I'M the one that is unique!"
These beautiful ornaments would make any Christmas tree special!

and for Winter/Christmas...These will put you in the holiday mood!

Having no talent whatsoever for painting I was really curious about the process.
"I use an acrylic enamel paint made specially for use on glass. After I have finished a piece I let it 'cure' for at least 24 hours then bake in the oven to set the paint. Then I wash before wrapping for shipment."

Just some of the supplies!
"I like to paint a tiny ladybug on each piece as an 'artist's mark' so that my signature MeNeek can be as unobtrusive as possible. I actually chose the ladybug because it is simple to add to the design and very simple to paint. The color of the ladybug isn't always red though! For example, if the entire design is painted in white and gold, then the ladybug is probably going to be white with gold spots. Also.....I have been collecting ladybugs about as long as I've been MeNeek!"

There's a ladybug in the one on the left. Can you find it?
I could easily see how brides and grooms would love to have something so special at their wedding, but I was curious why crystal was her preferred canvas, how are custom orders arranged and how much advance notice did she need to do such beautiful work.
"I guess I like to do the crystal toasting flutes because my flowery designs compliment the wedding venue so well. There are lots of others who paint on glass but I figured if I was going to spend the time to do my very detailed and delicate bouquet designs, I'd as soon do it on really good crystal so that what I offer is truly "heirloom quality".

Just some of the crystal in stock. Of course she's happy to paint crystal supplied by the bride and groom as well!
And don't forget the matching wine glasses!

If a bride wants to be very specific on colors, I request a fabric sample or some embroidery thread so I can mix my paint to match. Keep in mind that I can't guarantee an EXACT match because of the way the paint flows on the crystal.
30 days is usually plenty of lead time for me to complete an order of a pair of toasting flutes. If a wedding is in the peak wedding months of June and July, I would suggest at least 45 days lead time so I can make sure the finished product is complete and shipped in plenty of time for the big day. If it is a Christmas wedding, I would need to know the beginning of September!"
The wedding crystal is so beautiful, but she doesn't stop there!
"I've painted "treasure" boxes for brides to give to their attendants. Sometimes I can get glass or porcelain boxes as well. I laugh and say I will paint on anything that will hold still long enough....including faces! Another big seller, especially around Mother's Day and Valentine's Day are my hand painted coffee mugs. Oh, oh, oh, and chargers/plates and mirrors and candle holders and picture frames...oh my!"

My grandmother would have loved this mug, yellow was her favorite color. Me, I'm loving the SIZE of it-one cup of coffee would hold me over for the day!

What girl of any age wouldn't love to have such a beautiful keepsake.

This is my favorite, it's so entirely different than anything I've seen.
Check out their website to see more of MeNeek Treasures!MeNeek is UNIQUE in my book!

Right away I was taken with their stunning artwork and I just had to find out more about them.
Merry McCallum is the artist behind these beautiful crystal stemware and I asked her how she came to start doing this kind of work and what was behind the name.
"I had been painting for years and giving Christmas ornaments and other painted "pretties" to friends and family when, in 2003, I was approached by people who wanted to buy my work. Lots of people ask me how I chose 'MeNeek' in the first place. When I bought my first new car I wanted vanity plates. My 1st choices of 'unique' or u-neek were unavailable so a friend of mine told me I should get MeNeek because I'M the one that is unique!"
These beautiful ornaments would make any Christmas tree special!

and for Winter/Christmas...These will put you in the holiday mood!

Having no talent whatsoever for painting I was really curious about the process.
"I use an acrylic enamel paint made specially for use on glass. After I have finished a piece I let it 'cure' for at least 24 hours then bake in the oven to set the paint. Then I wash before wrapping for shipment."

Just some of the supplies!
"I like to paint a tiny ladybug on each piece as an 'artist's mark' so that my signature MeNeek can be as unobtrusive as possible. I actually chose the ladybug because it is simple to add to the design and very simple to paint. The color of the ladybug isn't always red though! For example, if the entire design is painted in white and gold, then the ladybug is probably going to be white with gold spots. Also.....I have been collecting ladybugs about as long as I've been MeNeek!"

There's a ladybug in the one on the left. Can you find it?
I could easily see how brides and grooms would love to have something so special at their wedding, but I was curious why crystal was her preferred canvas, how are custom orders arranged and how much advance notice did she need to do such beautiful work.
"I guess I like to do the crystal toasting flutes because my flowery designs compliment the wedding venue so well. There are lots of others who paint on glass but I figured if I was going to spend the time to do my very detailed and delicate bouquet designs, I'd as soon do it on really good crystal so that what I offer is truly "heirloom quality".

Just some of the crystal in stock. Of course she's happy to paint crystal supplied by the bride and groom as well!
And don't forget the matching wine glasses!

If a bride wants to be very specific on colors, I request a fabric sample or some embroidery thread so I can mix my paint to match. Keep in mind that I can't guarantee an EXACT match because of the way the paint flows on the crystal.
30 days is usually plenty of lead time for me to complete an order of a pair of toasting flutes. If a wedding is in the peak wedding months of June and July, I would suggest at least 45 days lead time so I can make sure the finished product is complete and shipped in plenty of time for the big day. If it is a Christmas wedding, I would need to know the beginning of September!"
The wedding crystal is so beautiful, but she doesn't stop there!
"I've painted "treasure" boxes for brides to give to their attendants. Sometimes I can get glass or porcelain boxes as well. I laugh and say I will paint on anything that will hold still long enough....including faces! Another big seller, especially around Mother's Day and Valentine's Day are my hand painted coffee mugs. Oh, oh, oh, and chargers/plates and mirrors and candle holders and picture frames...oh my!"

My grandmother would have loved this mug, yellow was her favorite color. Me, I'm loving the SIZE of it-one cup of coffee would hold me over for the day!

What girl of any age wouldn't love to have such a beautiful keepsake.

This is my favorite, it's so entirely different than anything I've seen.
Check out their website to see more of MeNeek Treasures!MeNeek is UNIQUE in my book!
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